April 2018
Neighbourhood Plan public meeting. Steering Group volunteers appointed.
June 2018
Permission sought from Craven District Council and North Yorkshire National Park Authority to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.
July 2018
Steering Group display at Clapham Street Fair to raise awareness.
August 2018
Permission to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan approved.
Oct/Nov 2018
Initial community consultation events held in Newby, Keasden and Clapham.
January 2019
Neighbourhood Plan website developed.
Household survey delivered to all households. Data analysed. Policies under preparation
Spring 21
Draft policies available for review. Public invited to join Focus Groups to amend specific areas. Full public consultation to be held on updated Draft Plan
What happens next?
The survey data will be analysed and used to identify and prioritise key issues - complete
From this, we will work with an independent planning advisor to explore issues and prepare a draft plan - complete
The Parish council will review the draft plan
The community will be invited to review the draft plan
The steering group will take any comments into account, making changes to the draft plan and associated policies where appropriate
The draft plan will then be submitted to the local authorities
It will then undergo an independent examination
Once through all of the above steps, it will be the subject of a local referendum at which time the Clapham cum Newby community will decide whether to adopt the plan